TREA: The Enlisted Association Blog
National PTSD Awareness Day
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
By President Oelschig
TREA Members,
Today is National PTSD Awareness Day, a day we also mark to spread the word about self-screening at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Taking a self-screen can be a good way to start a conversation with your healthcare provider.You can print your results to share with a provider to help them decide whether you should be assessed for PTSD or other conditions.
If you think you might have PTSD, you're not alone. With only five questions, the self-screen is quick and easy to take. Your responses are private and are not collected or shared. If you know someone who may be suffering from symptoms of PTSD, please share the Se?lf-Screening link with them at your earliest convenience.
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