CALL TO ACTION ! The Major Richard Star Act
Friday, March 8, 2024
By President Oelschig
TREA Members,
We need your voice!
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, TREA proudly stood with members of The Military Coalition on Capitol Hill in support of S. 344 / H.R. 1282, The Major Richard Star Act, to urge Congress to include the bill in the baseline text of the FY25 NDAA.
Since its re-introduction in the 118th Congress, the Major Richard Star Act has gained 72 cosponsors in the Senate, and 326 cosponsors in the House. Despite the majority of both chambers supporting this critical legislation, we need your help to get the bill across the finish line!
Under current law, servicemembers who are medically retired due to combat-related injuries before reaching 20 years of service are prevented from collecting both their service earned retirement pay and VA disability compensation. These two benefits, established by Congress for entirely different reasons, are nonetheless subject to a statutory offset. The Major Richard Star Act will authorize concurrent receipt of DoD retired pay, for years of service, and VA disability compensation for injuries incurred in service. This legislation is another small step in correcting a larger concurrent receipt problem.
TREA is requesting that Members of Congress ensure S. 344 / H.R. 1282 - The Major Richard Star Act, will be incorporated into the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act. Please consider contacting your Representatives to provide our combat-injured veterans with the compensation they have rightfully earned.
We thank you for your support and membership with TREA!